Wow macro use slot 13

macro (WoW) :: Wiki :: EverQuest II :: ZAM

Description: To make a macro trinket, you will want to utilize the “/use” macro command. Your trinkets are in slot 13 and 14, so to use one the command is: /use 13. Since trinkets are on the global cooldown, you can combine them with any spell you want afterwards. You can even combine them with multiple spells that also aren’t on the GCD. Equipment slot | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Equip slots in Macros Edit. When creating macros based on "click to use" items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However Using the numeric designations for an equipment slot is a much more effective method as it eliminates the need to manually modify your macro when you upgrade a particular item. Trinket on use macro - MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft ... But you are right that trinkets are slot 13 (top trinket) and 14 (bottom) and the macro would be /use 14. If you are not going to macro the trinket with another ability such as Icy Veins (for example) just drag the trinket to your action bar and don't worry about taking up a macro slot. macro (WoW) :: Wiki :: World of Warcraft :: ZAM

WOW Macros / By SP Clark / PC, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Mods Items and Macros Many items within World of Warcraft have a ‘use’ ability incorporated into them.

To use the macro, run World of Warcraft, and type /macro. This will bring up a new window with empty boxes. At the bottom, select "new" and you are promted to select a graphic icon and to name your macro. After that you get to a screen where you can type up to 254 characters. macro (WoW) :: Wiki :: EverQuest II :: ZAM It is possible to use items equiped by /use number. The slot is numbered ingame and trinkets are the most commonly used this way such as /use 13 or /use 14 for top trinket and bottom trinket respectively. /use can also be used with a coresponding item in your bag by slot. Each bag has a numerical value from 0 to 4, starting with the backpack ... World of Warcraft Macros - WoW AddOns :: WowMatrix The use of WoW macros can provide you with an advantage over someone who does not use them. However, just like WoW AddOns, all in-game macros are completely legal, so players do not get into trouble for using them. To manage your WoW macros, type /macro or /m when you are in-game and the Macro window appears. WOW Macros Guide,Macros Spells and Abilities,Macro Tips WOW Macros Guide Macros What Is a Macro Creating a Basic Macro Macros Spells and Abilities Targeting in Macros Group and Raid Macros How do I make a macro Macro Tips Captain Jigs' Macro Guide. The Many Uses of the Basic Macro In our first section, we covered the basics of how to create a simple macro, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Useful macros - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of

Equipment slot | WoWWiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia Equip slots in Macros Edit. When creating macros based on "click to use" items (especially trinkets), the common practice is to enter the actual item name. However Using the numeric designations for an equipment slot is a much more effective method as it eliminates the need to manually modify your macro when you upgrade a particular item.

Wow Item Slot Macro Numbers - LogosDirect

Macro for Trinkets : wow - reddit /equip trinket 1513 -> this will put the trinket that you type the name of into slot 15, which is your first trinket slot. Your second trinket slot is 16 14. You could also just use gear sets from your character screen. Edit: I was incorrect on the trinket slot numbers. Example Of Using A Trinket With A Spell: | World of Example Of Using A Trinket With A Spell: #show Holy Light
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Holy Light This will use both slots, but only your usable trinket is usable, so, the macro will use it. If you have two "use" trinkets, the macro will … Using, Equipping, and Managing Items with Macros - … The slot is a number that corresponds with its identity in game. Trinkets are the most commonly useable equipped items, so this command is most applicable to the trinket slots: 13 and 14 (a full list of slots appears below). Thus, a macro to activate whatever trinket is in your top trinket slot would include the command /use 13. /equipslot ## macro - Rogue - Wowhead Forums

If it’s in the first trinket slot /use 13.You cannot “use” or “cast” anything from within an addon. It has to be from a macro or directly activated from the bags, inventory location, or action button.

Example Of Using A Trinket With A Spell: #show Holy Light
/use 13
/use 14
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Holy Light This will use both slots, but only your usable trinket is usable, so, the macro will use it. If you have two "use" trinkets, the macro will … Using, Equipping, and Managing Items with Macros - … The slot is a number that corresponds with its identity in game. Trinkets are the most commonly useable equipped items, so this command is most applicable to the trinket slots: 13 and 14 (a full list of slots appears below). Thus, a macro to activate whatever trinket is in your top trinket slot would include the command /use 13. /equipslot ## macro - Rogue - Wowhead Forums Mar 01, 2010 · I have seen a diagram of equipment slot numbers before, and I have since forgotten where I ran across it. When I switch specs, I am currently using a macro to switch the weapons I wield, but I would also like to be able to switch armor with the same macro as well. This is my macro switching into PvE & combat spec: /equipslot 16 Seven-Fingered Claws

Meralonne's WoW Macros & Scripts - This is good for any cooldown and on-use trinket that have the exact same cooldown, like Avenging Wrath/Crusade and Horn of Valor. You can substitue the name of the trinket for the "14" if you prefer that way, and the number corresponds to the gear slot - 13 is your first trinket and 14 is the second one. Hunter Macros for PvP | Best PvP Hunter Macros By using a gear slot as your trinket macro it allows you to always know which trinkets you have equipped. Also, this makes it easy to swap out trinkets while in BGs if you want to alternate during cooldowns, etc. I always keep my PvP trinket in slot 13, but sometimes I like to switch out trinkets in slot 14. /use 13 /use 14 Healthstone / Potion ... Druid Macros - WoW Macros - WoW AddOns :: WowMatrix Try It! Use WowMatrix to download and keep WoW AddOns up-to-date. It's 100% FREE! Includes support for the latest WoW AddOns and Mods. How to use an item with a macro -